Implications of migration are the things implied by migration. Migration means a change or shift in or casual or residance from one location to another involving movemnt of an administrative border, that border may be that of village, district, state or a nation. Migration like any other process shapes many fields of life, having both advantages and disadvantages. Implications of migrations are:
Changes in population distribution
Demographic consequences: since migration is selective of particular age groups, migrants are mostly young and in productive age. It can cause a demographic crisis – population ageing, what in turn can be followed by economic problems (shrinking group of economically active population has to finance extending group of inactive population). Economically active people are increasing in urban areas.

Economic results, which are of the greatest importance for the development of the countries.
Sometimes migration of rural labor in urban area provide a burden on urban living.
Living standard of urban labor became more worse as of more people than service facilities accommodation.
Judicious wage of urban labor sometimes hamperred for more labor than requirement.
Stress on urban fringe without maintaining any dvelopment standard.
These are the implications of rural to urban migration.
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