Thursday, January 29, 2009

Employment, Migration and Urbanization Procedure

Q. It is known that employment issues are related with migration of population. Why those issues encircle urbanization procedure?

Employment issues are related with rural to urban migration of population which encircles the total urbanization procedure and the rural to urban migration affecting both the pull and push factor of migration:

  • Migrants are pulled toward urban area:

      • Prospect of jobs and higher incomes.

      • Most early urbanization was the result of pull considerations.

  • Pushed out of rural areas:
      • “Push” factors predominate as the motivation to move.

      • Poverty, lack of land, declining agricultural work, war, and famine.

      • Play more importance today than push considerations.

Urbanization is the agglomeration of population in urban area due to rural-urban migration which increases the proportion of the population living in the cities. Now, urban growth gives stress on the urban land, so urban areas are also increasing. So, Expansion of urban infrastructures and land use would be required for the migrated population. And economic process as creation of secondary, tertiary and quaternary sectors for the surplus labour for their employment opportunity arises in the urban areas. And then a society creates, where values and lifestyles are with urban characteristics. Thus it can be said, that employment issues related with migration of population encircle urbanization procedure.

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